Save Time.
Save Money.

FergTech’s Electronic Labor Law Integrated System (ELLIS) makes updating workplace compliance postings easy.

Discover the Power of ELLIS

ELLIS is the modern way of staying compliant with Federal and State labor posting laws. Save time and energy with automatic updates only on FergTech’s new ELLIS device. Compliance has never been easier!

Why Choose ELLIS?


Stay Compliant with Labor Law Postings

All ELLIS devices are automatically updated with the latest compliance postings, which means you never have to worry about manually updating posters in your workplace again.


Save Time, Make Money

ELLIS devices ensure that you can forget about the troubles of continually updating compliance posters, and instead focus more on what matters most for your business.


Information at Your Fingertips

Each and every poster shown on your ELLIS device can be easily sent to a phone number or email address to ensure easy access for everyone.


Energy-Efficient Design

Concerned about conserving energy? ELLIS devices use slightly more energy than an LED light bulb when the display is on, and about half as much energy when the display is off.

About FergTech

For over 20 years, FergTech, Inc. has been a leading provider of insurance compliance software solutions. Beginning with our products AutoIDweb and, we have helped countless customers streamline insurance compliance tasks. Now, with ELLIS, we at FergTech intend to make staying compliant with labor law easier than ever before.